Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Christmas Case Report

About 6 months back, I had a co-worker of mine (Female, 50's, generally sedentary, office work) approach me regarding intense headaches stretching from the base of her skull to the sides of her upper scalp. This was accompanied by the usual office space muscle tenderness, stiffness, soreness, and discomfort of the body as a whole.  Additionally, she had noted pain in her upper thoracic spine which she noticed were associated with her headaches. At the time, she was very stressed with work and expressed she carries all of her stress in her upper shoulders and neck.
I made time to evaluate her. In the end we decided to go a manual route along with postural awareness and corrective exercise.  Since we work on opposite sides of campus, we were only able to meet up once for a single treatment after hours.  We went with approach of Spinal Tension Release Therapy.
After treatment, she felt immediate relief of thoracic pain, cervical neck stiffness, elimination of trigger points, and finally - NO HEADACHES!
I've kept up with my co-worker every couple of weeks just to see how she is and to remind her of her Home Exercise Program.  She has proudly reported each time that since treatment 6 months ago, she has been pain free, headache free, moving with ease, and much more aware of her ergonomics during stress.
As Dr. Erson Religioso states in a related topic, thoracic pain should be properly resolved in just a couple visits. This is a similar case that demonstrates that the patient, the science, and the clinician can achieve that ideal result when it all comes together in an integrated and properly applied fashion.
Have a Very Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
-Dr. Fung
Coming Up in the New Year: Optimizing the Fung Protocol. Metabolically optimize the Fung protocol for maximal physiological effectiveness. Learn the science behind how Dr. Fung personally lost 2 inches of waist in less than 6 weeks!

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