Physical Therapy

Kettlebell exercise has immense applications in Physical Therapy especially in the orthopedics, sports, and health & wellness specialties. In orthopedics, kettlebell exercise provides a co-activated closed-chain form of exercise which quickly rehabilitates spine, shoulder, and lower extremity injuries. In sports, kettlebells are commonly used by Mixed Martial Arts athletes, Olympic track athletes, wrestlers, and military elite forces. Finally, in application to health and wellness, kettlebells provide a time efficient exercise which address the whole body with instrinsic preventive qualities promoting well-being.

According to the California Physical Therapy Practice Act and the American Physical Therapy Association:

Physical Therapy (or Physiotherapy) means the art and science of physical or corrective rehabilitation or corrective treatment of any bodily or mental condition by the use of the physical, chemical, and other properties of heat, light, water, electricity, sound, massage, and active, passive, and resistive exercise... including the promotion and maintenance of physical fitness to enhance the bodily movement related health and wellness of individuals (para. CA PTB).
Physical Therapists are the practitioners of choice to whom consumers have direct access for the diagnosis of, interventions for, and prevention of impairments, activity limitations, participation restrictions, and environmental barriers related to movement, function, and health (para. Vision 2020).